
Sarah Kilford

I'm Sarah. I grew up in Nova Scotia and have always felt very grateful to live next to the ocean. After completing my Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability at Dalhousie University I decided to pursue a degree in Computer Science and I am currently going into my 3rd year. Outside of school I love to spend my time reading, hiking, drinking lots of coffee, and playing piano.

Academic Institution
Dalhousie University


Areas of Interest
Data Science, Sustainability, Education

“It took a long time for me to believe I was capable of pursuing an education and career in computer science. Working with DeepSense has been an amazing opportunity for me to use my prior experience while exploring data science and machine learning. I have learnt how data can be used to develop practical and sustainable solutions in the ocean sector. It has been great working with DeepSense on STEM Connector this Summer, to help other students make meaningful connections in the ocean industry.

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