
Where Will You Find Your Place in the Ocean Sector?

$3 Trillion

In projected growth by 2030 in the ocean economy opens the door to limitless opportunities to use data and advanced analytics.

350,000 people

Are employed in today’s Ocean Economy and this number continues to grow everyday.

How we can help

DeepSense facilitates the introduction with students and company partners for applied research projects. Let us help you gain exposure to the ocean sector.

Students will be able to:

  • Explore a new sector
  • Build networks with a range of companies, industry partners and subject matter experts
  • Develop new skillset or gain direction to areas of opportunity
  • Learn about machine learning and AI in the ocean sector

DeepSense Support

Learn more about our processes, infrastructure and support.

Learn more about our alumni

Meet the DeepSense alumni who explore ocean data, AI and machine learning during their internships, co-ops, and research projects!

Past DeepSense Projects

Learn more about our past projects.

Leading ocean-sector technologies

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Our newsletter and online community will help you connect with like-minded people, learn about how to participate in the growing potential of AI, and discover the infinite uses of ocean data.

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