I'm originally from Gujarat, India. I recently moved to Halifax to pursue my master’s degree in Applied Computer Science. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from Dharmsinh University, India. After graduation, I worked as a Java developer and joined a tech startup where I worked as a Software Developer for 3 years. My hobbies include playing guitar, reading, and learning new technologies.
Academic Institution
Dalhousie University
Company Port of Halifax, COVE and Atlantic Pilotage Authority
Areas of Interest Big Data Analytics, Data Structures and Algorithm
“Prior to joining DeepSense, I had a limited knowledge with Machine Learning. Working here gave me an opportunity to work with neural networks and data preparation strategies. I am currently working on creating a machine learning model to predict the wave and wind values of the ocean when Smart Atlantic Buoy is unavailable. This project helped me gain knowledge on the Ocean Industry.”